Weekly Update 9.10.18

Co-Op History – Information Wanted

This year is our 40th Anniversary.  We are currently working on compiling a history of the Co-Op. If you have any information or memories from the past 40 years, please contact either;
Theresa Pizzuto @ theresa.pizzuto@gmail.com
Anna Hazen @ marketing@upstatefoodcoop.com

Volunteers Needed

Happy Cow Delivery Person:Pick up milk and cheese from the farm and deliver to the co-op every other Monday (~2x/month). You would use your own vehicle and the markup is 5% if you pick up twice monthly. If interested please call Lori Pierce on Mondays at the Co-op between 10am-2pm (864-868-3105) or email Theresa Pizzuto

Friday Day Manager (Weekly):For more information, contact Theresa Pizzuto

Cleaning Personto clean the Co-op weekly. For more information, contact Theresa Pizzuto

Monthly Senior Discount Day:
The Co-op offers a 5% discount to seniors 65+ on the 3rd Saturday of each month. The next senior discount day will be held on  Saturday, May 19th.

New Arrivals

This is some good stuff!!! Check out this delicious recipe for Vegan Borscht Ramen Bowls from the Lotus Foods website.

Pumpkin season has begun!!

Pick these up to have for those nights when you don’t have much time to spend on dinner.  Quick and easy to make and super yummy.

This would go great on a cheese and meat platter!

Check out our Newly discounted items

Link to Calendar

Upcoming Deadlines and Deliveries

UNFI: The next delivery will be available this Thursday, September 13 and the next order deadline will be Monday, September 24, available on Thursday, October 4.

Happy Cow: The next order deadline will be Saturday, September 15, for delivery on Monday, September 17.

Frontier Herbs: 4th Wednesday of the month

Krause Brothers Citrus & Juice: We will order when we meet minimum order requirements.

Sami’s Bread: An order was placed at the end of August 2018. There is bread available in the freezer.

Split Creek: An order will be placed as needed. Place your orders in the Direct Order book.

Dimpflmeier Bread: An order was received May 3rd. A nice supply is in the freezer. Next order date in Sept-Oct  Please add wanted products in the Direct Order book.