Secretary Needed (Officer position – 0% markup): The Secretary takes minutes at the monthly 4th Saturday manager meetings & 2x/year at general membership meetings, sends out the Weekly Update and all email communications to members & managers, and works closely with our Marketing & Communications Manager. Communication and computer skills are required, including basic knowledge of Word and Excel; familiarity with Google Docs, MailChimp and email lists is a plus. We will provide training as needed. If you are interested or want to learn more please contact Theresa Pizzuto
New Produce: Red and yellow mini-peppers, shiitake mushrooms and red & white sweet onions
Pet Food: We are trying to determine which pet foods to stock. If you have a preference for pet food you would like to purchase through the co-op, please email or call (864-506-4407) Jackie Caldwell with your requests.
Gaia Herbs: the deadline for the upcoming Gaia order has been extended to Friday, July21st. All products ordered will be 20% off.
To view the online ordering deadline and delivery calendar, click HERE.
- Sami’s Bread: An order was placed Monday, July 10 and delivery is expected this Thursday, July 13th.
- The Farm Cart: We received a small delivery on Thursday, July 6th. The next order deadline is Monday, July 17th for delivery on Thursday, July 20th.
- Frontier Herbs: July’s fourth Friday deadline will be Friday the 28th.
- Happy Cow: Special orders will be available for pick up Monday, July 10th. The next order deadline will be Saturday, July 15th for Delivery on Monday, July 17th.
- UNFI: We will receive a delivery on Thursday, July 13th. The next order deadline is Monday, July 17th for delivery on Thursday, July 27th.
Sale Items
- Wholly Wholesome G/F pie crusts (in freezer)
New Items
- NOW raw organic Cacao Nibs are back on the shelf!
- Alba Botanica Sunscreen

- NOW and Herbal Armor Insect Repellent Products

- Andalou Naturals “A Path of Light” Hand Cream
- Aloe Mix n’ Go Beverage mixes

Discontinued Items
- Stevita Spoonable Stevia 16oz, has dropped out of the Select Nutrition and Threshold online catalogs and is no longer available for order.
To view the complete list of discontinued items click HERE
Back ordered Items
Farm Cart
The most recent order included local raw milk and ground beef. Still in stock: organic garlic, leeks, sweet onions, Portobello mushrooms, potatoes and spaghetti squash.
- Please place special orders in the Direct Order book II if you’d like to reserve particular products from the next delivery.
- To see the complete list of products and place special orders please see the Farm Cart tab in Vol. II of the Direct Order Books.
We are now receiving local, organic produce from the Farm Cart. See above for ordering information.
Call Theresa Pizzuto if you have local produce you would like to sell through the Co-op. 864-508-0617
Supplement Reorganization: The supplement shelves have been reorganized to group products by type (vitamins, herbs, etc.) rather than by brand or company. *Please share any feedback or suggestions for improvement with
Gale Farrier or
Katherine Vinson. To see a complete list of supplements available, click
here. To see supplements listed by BRAND click
- Doll clothes by Meg–prices vary

New items go on display the third week of each month
Happy Cow
- Good supply of cheese, milk and chocolate milk.
- When placing orders you must place your order before Monday.
- You can call in your order and leave a message. Messages are checked early Monday morning before the order goes in.
- Eggs are stored in the refrigerator by the supplements.
- If you would like to sell eggs through the Co-op please contact Lori Pierce for more information (Mondays at the Co-op or call her at 864-843-2584).
Sami’s Bread has changed their disclaimer, which can be viewed in detail
here. We will place the next order when the order minimum is met.
Member feedback requested about Gluten-Free product info:
- What products do you like?
- Which items did you try and did not like?
- What type of items or brands would you like to see at the Co-op?
- Email Jackie Caldwell about Gluten-Free product info.
- Always looking for good suggestions for new gluten free products.
Monthly Senior Discount Day:
The Co-op offers a 5% discount to all seniors 65+ on the 3rd Saturday of each month. The next senior discount day will be held on July 15th. |
To receive the discount please inform the cashier BEFORE you begin your transaction; the discount will not be available after you have already checked out. Your markup will be reduced by 5% for that day; however, no markup can go below 0%. |
Want to Help?
We have need for people to help with the following: Contact Theresa Pizzuto.
- Secretary
- Happy Cow pick Delivery Person to pick up milk and cheese from the farm and deliver to the Co-op every other Monday
- Bulk packagers
- Day Managers and Cashiers to work weekly and/or as subs
- Newsletter writers to write short articles for quarterly newsletter.
Health Discussion
Discussion of health issues at the Clemson Library the 2nd Tuesday each month at 7pm. All are welcome to attend (next meeting Tuesday 6/12). For further information contact Gary at 864-868-0107 or Lori at 864-843-2584.
Input Wanted from Co-op Members:
We have started a monthly Speaker’s Forum on Health and Nutrition. We need your feedback! What topics would you like to know more about? Please email your ideas, suggestions to Echo Macdonald.
2017 Board of Directors Meetings Dates (5:30pm) at the Central-Clemson Library: TBD please stay tuned for details. To see the full meeting calendar click here.
Spread the Word
The Co-op now has printed business information cards. Please ask for some and pass them out when you tell your friends about us!
Enjoy your week!
Theresa Pizzuto 2017 General Manager
Suzie Medders 2017 Associate Manager
Co-op Hours of Operation:
Monday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursday: 3:00 pm -7:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am- 4:00 pm
Sunday: CLOSEDPHONE: 864.868.3105 |