20% off Gaia Herbs
Gaia Herbs Semi-Annual sale is happening now. Please place your special orders in the binder by the end of September when the order will be placed.
Happy Cow Delivery Person Needed
Pick up milk and cheese from the farm and deliver to the co-op every other Monday(~2x/month). You would use your own vehicle and the markup is 5% if you pick up twice monthly. If interested please call Lori Pierce on Mondays at the Co-op between 10am-2pm(864-868-3105) or email Theresa Pizzuto
Friday Day Manager (Weekly) Needed
For more information, contact Theresa Pizzuto
Cleaning Person Needed
to clean the Co-op weekly. For more information, contact Theresa Pizzuto
The Co-op offers a 5% discount to seniors 65+ on the 3rd Saturday of each month. The next senior discount day will be held on Saturday, October 20.
Order Deadlines and Delivery Dates
The next delivery will be available on Thursday, September 20th. The next order deadline will be Monday, September 24th, available on Thursday, Oct 4.
Happy Cow
The next order deadline will be Saturday, September 29th for delivery on Monday, Oct 1st.
Frontier Herbs
Orders are placed 4th Wednesday of the month
Krause Brothers Citrus & Juice
We will order when we meet minimum order requirements.
Sami’s Bread
An order was received on Thursday, April 29th. There is bread available in the freezer.
Split Creek
An order will be placed as needed. Place your orders in the Direct Order book.
Dimpflmeier Bread
An order was received May 3rd. A nice supply is in the freezer. Next order date in Sept-Oct Please add wanted products in the Direct Order book.
New Arrivals
We’ve still got a few bags left of Cassava Root Chips. Check them out on the top shelf of the Gluten Free aisle.
Pumpkin season is here! Try these crackers with some of the Happy Cow cheese we have.
Lotus Foods Millet and Brown Rice Ramen are still available. Stop by and grab some while we still have them!
Discounted Items
Supplements by Shelf Order</strong
Discontinued Products
Here is our complete list of Discontinued Products
- All flavors of Xyla brand mints
- Bulk organic whole oat groats
- Nutiva brand Organic Red Palm Oil 15oz is discontinued from the Co-op shelf.
- Full cases of six jars are still available by special order only.
- Reed’s Cherry Brew beverage has been discontinued by UNFI
- Lucini Italia Artichoke Pasta Sauce by UNFI
- All Rapunzel bouillon cubes, no-salt, sea-salt, and with herbs, by UNFI
- Canned Santa Barbara brand large black olives