Holiday Products
If you have particular products you are looking for this holiday season – for baking needs such as nuts, flours, oils, etc., or food / other gift items, please contact Theresa so that we can be sure to include them in our upcoming orders with our distributors. We will make two orders with UNFI, our main distributor during the month of November.
Local Products this week
Co-op Garden produce: the growing season is winding down and we’re currently picking Jalapenos from our co-op organic garden! Purchase them for a small donation to the garden fund. 

Roundtop Farm: we received fresh baby ginger and fresh turmeric on 10/18.
Daily Bread Sourdough
We received our first order of local, organic sourdough bread on Thursday 10/27. We will probably be receiving bread every two weeks. They have organic artisan loaves and sandwich loaves available. If you would like to place a special order, please contact Theresa at theresa.pizzuto@gmail.com. Visit their FB page here: Daily Bread Sourdough 

2022 Membership Renewals
Memberships are due the first time you shop at the Co-op in 2022. The cost is $30 for the entire year, which is still a great deal. Thank you for your continued support!

Product Updates New & Restocked Products (Photos Below )

Monthly Senior Discount Day The Co-Op offers a 5% discount to seniors 65+ on the 3rd Saturday of each month.  The next senior discount day will be held on Saturday, November 19. 

Updated COVID-19 Reminders – Masks are now optional for shoppers – We are still following recommended safety protocolsThe Pickens County community level has decreased to LOW. Based on the current CDC and SC DHEC guidelines, masks are optional for shoppers. Day managers will decide whethervolunteer workers will wear masks on their shifts. We are still following all of the recommended CDC guidelines and SC DHEC guidelines for keeping people safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, so we will reinstate the mask policy if the transmission rate increases again.
 We ask you to do the following:If you are feeling sick at all (fever or not), Please do not come into the store.If you know you have been exposed to COVID-19, DO NOT come into the store.  The CDC guidelines call for staying home for at least 5 days after you’ve been exposed to someone with confirmed COVID-19.  See this link for more information on what to do if you contract COVID:  What to Do If You Are Sick | CDC

Order Due Dates and Delivery Dates
Online ordering calendar 
UNFI — The next order due date is Monday, Oct 31. Thenext delivery date is Wednesday, Nov 9. The following order due date is Monday,  Nov 14.  

Happy Cow —  We will receive a delivery Monday, Oct 31. Place orders by Saturday, Nov 12,  for  delivery on  Monday, Nov 14.

Frontier Herbs — Orders due monthly on the 4th Tuesday of the month.
New, Restocked & Highlighted Products
Gluten Free
 If you are interested in ordering a specific type of produce please contact Theresa to discuss availability.  Visit the list of produce suppliers
Personal Care
 Pet Products
Medicinal Herbs
Culinary Herbs
Consignments & Gifts
Reduced Items
Recipes and Health Articles This Mackerel Patties recipe is simple, tasty and works every time. Serve these patties with my creamy BBQ sauce and you won't be disappointed!      MACKEREL PATTIES         This Mackerel Patties recipe is simple, tasty and works every
      time. Serve these patties with my creamy BBQ sauce and you
      won’t  be disappointed! 

Prep Time10 mins
Cook Time10 mins
Total Time20 mins
Course: Appetizer, Lunch, Side Dish
Cuisine: American
Keyword: mackerel cakes, mackerel patties
Servings: 2 people
Calories: 427 kcalIngredients15 oz canned Mackerel in brine2 eggs1/4 cup of grated Parmesan cheese1/2 cup of breadcrumbs2 tbsp. of mayonnaise2 tbsp. of mustard2 tbsp. of chopped chives or scallionvegetable oil for fryingInstructionsDrain mackerel, debone and transfer to a mixing bowl. Flake meat with fork. Flaking mackerel meat with forkAdd the rest of the ingredients, excluding vegetable oil, and mix well. preparing mixture for mackerel pattiesUsing ¼ cup as a measure, shape into patties.Fry in small amount of vegetable oil, on medium heat until golden brown (about 3 minutes per side).NutritionCalories: 427kcal | Carbohydrates: 21g | Protein: 63g | Fat: 31g | Saturated Fat: 7g | Cholesterol: 307mg | Sodium: 1022mg | Potassium: 842mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 485IU | Calcium: 823mg | Iron: 4.1mg

Author: Tania Sheff