Life Extension 20% off Sale Orders Due 12/19 Place your orders in the Life Extension Direct Order Book for the last order of the year by Thursday, December 19. For more information about Life Extension products, visit their website. Contact Katherine if you have questions about your order. |
Co-op Annual Meeting Notice – Saturday, December 14 We will hold our annual membership meeting on Saturday, December 14 at 10:00am on Zoom. We will vote on the 2025 budget proposal and slate of officers and board members. The Zoom link and agenda will be sent out closer to the date. |
Holiday Gift Products & Gift Baskets Price for gift baskets is the cost of the products plus $3 for the basket + tissue paper – you can mix and match products to your specifications. We can also help you create baskets of favorite products Check with Theresa on Thursdays for assistance or email her or text 864-508-0617 |
New this week Last week we received kale, shiitakes and Lion’s Mane mushrooms. We are still harvesting arugula, collards, kale, and kaleidoscope lettuce and co-op turmeric is available now. Co-op Garden dried basil (Thai and Sweet) continues to be available as well. |
Free Chocolate Cherry Protein Bar with Purchase As a thank you for your support, receive a free 88 Acres organic chocolate cherry protein bar with purchases over $15, until supplies run out. Limit one per household per day. |
Recent Local Produce & Products We have local ground beef and Daily Bread Sourdough breads in the freezer. Also, Hawaiian and Indira turmeric, dried lemongrass, organic collards, chioggia & golden beets, rainbow carrots, kale, Covington, Murasaki & purple sweet potatoes, and chestnuts (NC – freezer). Recipes for using some of these vegetables are available by the produce bins. |
2024 Membership Renewals Memberships are due the first time you shop at the Co-op in 2024. The cost is $30 for the entire year, which is still a great deal. Thank you for your continued support! |
Free Dish Soap with Membership As a thank you for your support, receive a free bottle of Seventh Generation dish liquid soap with your new or renewed membership, until supplies run out. Limit one per household. |
Open Volunteer Jobs Visit this link to view the volunteer jobs are available. When you volunteer, you pay less. If you are interested in volunteering you can complete a Volunteer Work Interest form and email it to Theresa or drop it off at the co-op. If you would like more information please contact Theresa. |
Local Products Update If you would like to place a special order for any of our local product suppliers, please contact Theresa at Blue Ridge Brinery: We have kvass, and all flavors of sauerkraut & kimchee in stock. Healthy Hen Farm: We have large eggs, dried eggs, local honey in stock Local Meats:We have local ground beef from Mile Creek Farm in the freezer. Rickety Barn Farm: We will receive whole chickens again in December. Roundtop Farm:We received fresh turmeric and lemongrass on 11/11. Organic sourdough bread:We have traditional loaves in the freezer, as well as banana nut bread slices. |
Monthly Senior Discount Day The Co-Op offers a 5% discount to seniors 65+ on the 3rd Saturday of each month. The next senior discount day will be held on Saturday, December 21. Updated COVID-19 Reminders – Masks are optional for shoppers – We are still following recommended safety protocols The Pickens County community level is LOW. Based on the current CDC and SC DHEC guidelines, masks are optional for shoppers. We ask you to do the following:If you are feeling sick at all (fever or not), Please do not come into the store.If you know you have been exposed to COVID-19, DO NOT come into the store. The CDC guidelines call for staying home for at least 5 days after you’ve been exposed to someone with confirmed COVID-19. See this link for more information on what to do if you contract COVID: What to Do If You Are Sick | CDC |
Order Due Dates and Delivery Dates Online ordering calendar UNFI — The next order due date is Monday, December 9 for delivery on Wednesday, December 18. We receive orders every two weeks. Happy Cow — Place orders by Saturday, December 14 for delivery on Tuesday, December 17. We receive orders every two weeks. Frontier Herbs — Next order due date is Tuesday, December 10 (last order for the year). Frontier Co-op orders are due the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Visit the Frontier Co-op website to see the products on sale. |
Gluten-Free Products |
Produce If you are interested in ordering a specific type of produce please contact Theresa to discuss availability. Visit the list of produce suppliers |
Recipes and Health ArticlesYield: 6 servings Fresh Turmeric Mushroom Curry Vegan, clean eating, but really flavorful and loaded with good for you ingredients! Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes Total Time: 40 minutes Ingredients 2 tbsp avocado oil, or other neutral flavored oil 1 medium onion, diced 4 cloves garlic, minced 2 tbsp fresh turmeric, peeled and grated 1 14 oz can coconut milk, use reduced fat if desired 1 tbsp fresh ginger, peeled and grated 1.5 tbsp ground coriander 2 tbsp ground cumin 1 cup frozen peas 1 14 oz can diced tomatoes, drained 20 ounces sliced mushroomes juice of half a lemon 1 tsp garam masala fresh chopped cilantro for garnish salt, to taste Instructions In a large skillet with a lid, heat the oil over medium high heat.Add the mushrooms and cook until most of the water has evaporated, stirring constantly. The mushrooms will shrink dramatically.Once the mushroom water has mostly evaporated, lower the heat to medium and add the onions and garlic, stirring frequently and cooking until the onions are translucent. Stir in the turmeric, ginger, coriander, and cumin, cook an additional minute.Add the tomatoes, peas, and coconut milk and then lower the heat to medium low, cover and simmer the curry for 20 minutes.Uncover and stir in the lemon juice and garam masala. Add salt to taste.Serve warm with your preferred accompaniment. I prefer basmati rice or cauliflower rice. Find it online: |