Special Order Pickup / Year-End Inventory
We will be conducting our year-end inventory the week of December 12th, so if you haven’t done so already, please pickup your special orders by close of day Tuesday, December 13 to assist us with our inventory counts.  Thanks for your help!
 Holiday Gift Ideas / Stocking StuffersWe stock many products that would make a lovely gift. The Co-op has a wonderful assortment of natural products, from various local and gourmet foods to sustainably made personal care and gift items. Whether you’re in need of stocking stuffers, a self-care gift, a host/hostess gift, something for work colleagues and teachers — there’s something at the Co-op for everyone. Check out a few ideas here and come in to browse and create a unique gift basket for that special person.
Annual Membership Meeting Mintes
We held our annual membership meeting on Saturday, December 10 at 10:00am on Zoom. This is a link to the minutes from the meeting. We voted to implement the increased shelf stocking fee (from 4% to 8%) effective January 1, to help cover losses due to continuing price increases of products.
Local Products UpdateIf you would like to place a special order for any of our local product suppliers, please contact Theresa at theresa.pizzuto@gmail.com. Organic sourdough bread: There are a couple of loaves in the freezer. We will receive a delivery on 12/15. Shiitakes: We will receive a delivery on 12/15.Local apples: We received local apples from Happy Cow on 11/28Patchwork Garden: We received fresh ginger on 11/15
2023 Membership Renewals
Memberships are due the first time you shop at the Co-op in 2023. The cost will be $30 for the entire year, which is still a great deal. Thank you for your continued support!
Health Article at the end of this email :  
Rainbow Chard with Lion’s Mane Mushrooms
Monthly Senior Discount Day 
The Co-Op offers a 5% discount to seniors 65+ on the 3rd Saturday of each month.  The next senior discount day will be held on Saturday, December 17. 

Updated COVID-19 Reminders – Masks are now optional for shoppers – We are still following recommended safety protocolsThe Pickens County community level has decreased to LOW. Based on the current CDC and SC DHEC guidelines, masks are optional for shoppers. Day managers will decide whethervolunteer workers will wear masks on their shifts. We are still following all of the recommended CDC guidelines and SC DHEC guidelines for keeping people safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, so we will reinstate the mask policy if the transmission rate increases again.
 We ask you to do the following:If you are feeling sick at all (fever or not), Please do not come into the store.If you know you have been exposed to COVID-19, DO NOT come into the store.  The CDC guidelines call for staying home for at least 5 days after you’ve been exposed to someone with confirmed COVID-19.  See this link for more information on what to do if you contract COVID:  What to Do If You Are Sick | CDC

Order Due Dates and Delivery DatesOnline ordering calendar UNFI — Thenext delivery date is Wednesday, Dec 14. The next order due date is Monday, Dec 19.  

Happy Cow —  We will receive a delivery Monday (12/12). Place orders by Saturday, Dec 24, for delivery on Monday, Dec 26. Egg Nog is NOT available this yearReminder: There is limited milk available, so they will not have chocolate milk or buttermilk available on a regular basis again until early next year.

Frontier Herbs — Orders due monthly on the 4th Tuesday of the month.
New, Restocked & Highlighted Products
Gluten-Free Products
 If you are interested in ordering a specific type of produce please contact Theresa to discuss availability.  Visit the list of produce suppliers
Personal Care
 Pet Products
Medicinal Herbs
Culinary Herbs
Consignments & Gifts
Reduced Items
Recipes and Health Articles Rainbow Chard with Lion’s Mane Mushrooms
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ZyP93wOHgLI

2 table spoons of cooking oil
1 lb of rainbow chard
1/4 lb of lion head mushroom
salt, pepper, mustard seed to taste

Cooking method: Put everything in pot, heat for 7 minutes.