Monthly Senior Discount Day: The Co-op now offers a 5% discount to all seniors age 65+ on the 3rd Saturday of each month. The next senior discount day will be held on November 19th. To receive the discount please inform the cashier BEFORE you begin your transaction; the discount will not be available after you have already checked out. Your markup will be reduced by 5% for that day; no markup can go below 0%.
Special Order Assistance: Ordering assistance is available between noon and 2:00pm on Mondays at the Co-op.If you need help with placing a special order for UNFI or one of our Direct Order Companies, call (864-868-3105) or stop by to speak with Lori Pierce or Theresa Pizzuto. For assistance via email, contact Theresa
WANT TO HELP?? We have need for people to help with the following:Contact Theresa Pizzuto(
- Marketing & Communications Manager
- Newsletter writers to write short articles for quarterly newsletter.
- Bulk packagers
- Day Managers and Cashiers to work weekly and/or as subs
- Building maintenance (carpentry, plumbing, etc.)
Health Discussion: Discussion of health issues at the Clemson Library the 2nd Tuesday each month at 7pm. All are welcome to attend (next meeting Tuesday 11/8). For further information contact Gary at 864-868-0107 or Lori at 864-843-2584.
Input Wanted from Co-op Members:
We have started a monthly Speaker’s Forum on Health and Nutrition. We need your feedback! What topics would you like to know more about? Please email your ideas, suggestions to Echo Macdonald,
Calendar: 2017 Board of Directors Meetings Dates (5:30pm) at the Central-Clemson Library: TBD please stay tuned for details
Summer 2016 Newsletter is here.
Spring 2016 Newsletter is here.
Winter 2016 Newsletter is here.
Fall 2015 Newsletter is here. |