June 19 2017 Update

Monthly Managers Meeting:  The June manager meeting will be held this Saturday, June 24th at 9:00am at the Co-op. All are welcome to attend.

Help Wanted: The co-op is in need of a Happy Cow pick Delivery Person to pick up milk and cheese from the farm and deliver to the Co-op every other Monday. If interested please contact Theresa Pizzuto

Frontier Herbs: June’s fourth Friday deadline is THIS Friday the 23rd.

New Produce: Garlic bulbs, kale, leeks, parsley, shiitake mushrooms & sweet onions.

Gaia Herbs: the deadline for the upcoming Gaia order has been extended to Friday, July21st.  All products ordered will be 20% off.


  • Sami’s Bread: We received a delivery Thursday, May 25th.
  • The Farm Cart: We will receive a delivery this Thursday, June 22nd. The next order deadline is  Monday, July 3rd for delivery on Thursday, July 6th.
  • Frontier Herbs: June’s fourth Friday deadline is Friday the 23rd.
  • Happy Cow: Special orders will be available for pick up Monday, June 12th.. The next order deadline will be Saturday, June 17th for. Delivery on June 19th.
  • UNFI: We received a delivery Thursday, June 15th. The next order deadline is  Monday, June 19th for delivery on Thursday, June 29th.


  • Gingerberry Kombucha -48 oz
  • Wholly Wholesome G/F pie crusts (in freezer)
New Items
  • Pacific Organic Refried Black Beans and Pinto Beans
  • Good Culture Organic Cottage Cheese (single servings)
  • Tantric Turmeric Kombucha
Discontinued Items
  • Local Pecans are at the end of the season
  • Natural Value Wax Paper has been discontinued by UNFI
  • Bing Cherries have been discontinued by UNFI
To view the complete list of discontinued items click HERE

Back ordered Items
None at this time

New Suppliers

Modern Forestry Candles: Made locally in Easley SC using 100% American grown soy, essential oils and cotton wicks

Department Reminders

We are now receiving local, organic produce from the Farm Cart.
  • Call Theresa Pizzuto if you have local produce you would like to sell through the Co-op.  theresa.pizzuto@gmail.com  864-508-0617


Supplement Reorganization:  The supplement shelves have been reorganized to group products by type (vitamins, herbs, etc.) rather than by brand or company. *Please share any feedback or suggestions for improvement with Gale Farrier or Katherine Vinson. To see a complete list of supplements available, click here.

New items go on display the third week of each month
  • Good supply of cheese, milk and chocolate milk.
  • When placing orders you must place your order before Monday.
  • You can call in your order and leave a message. Messages are checked early Monday morning before the order goes in.
  • Eggs are stored in the refrigerator by the supplements.
  • If you would like to sell eggs through the Co-op please contact Lori Pierce for more information (Mondays at the Co-op or call her at 843-2584).


  • Sami’s Bread: Sami’s  has changed their disclaimer, which can be viewed in detail  here.Next order will be placed when the order minimum has been met.
  • Member feedback requestedabout Gluten-Free product info:
    • What products do you like?
    • Which items did you try and did not like?
    • What type of items or brands would you like to see at the Co-op?
    • Send email about Gluten-Free product info to (jc6m@caldwellcentral.net)
  • Always looking for good suggestions for new gluten free products.


Monthly Senior Discount Day: The Co-op now offers a 5% discount to all seniors age 65+ on the 3rd Saturday of each month. The next senior discount day will be held on June 17th.To receive the discount please inform the cashier BEFORE you begin your transaction; the discount will not be available after you have already checked out. Your markup will be reduced by 5% for that day; no markup can go below 0%.

WANT TO HELP?? We have need for people to help with the following:Contact Theresa Pizzuto (Theresa.pizzuto@gmail.com).

  • Happy Cow pick Delivery Person to pick up milk and cheese from the farm and deliver to the Co-op every other Monday
  • Bulk packagers
  • Day Managers and Cashiers to work weekly and/or as subs
  • Newsletter writers to write short articles for quarterly newsletter.

Input Wanted from Co-op Members:
We have started a monthly Speaker’s Forum on Health and Nutrition.  We need your feedback!  What topics would you like to know more about? Please email your ideas, suggestions to Echo Macdonald, echolini@gmail.com.

Calendar: 2017Board of Directors Meetings Dates (5:30pm) at the Central-Clemson Library: TBD please stay tuned for details

Spread the Word: The Co-op now has printed business information cards. Please ask for some and pass them out when you tell your friends about us!

Enjoy your week!

Theresa Pizzuto  2017 General Manager